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Inevitable Future of Aquaculture
Team TIDEPOOL is pursuing Tech and Data Driven Fish Farming for Better World
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Our Solution
Team TIDEPOOL provides FISHSCOPE. FISHSCOPE focuses on Growth and Behavior of Fish, based on computer Vision and AI technology, to optimize fish farming better than anyone else.
Our Products
Main Benefit
With various functions and data provided by FISHSCOPE, Fish-Farmers are able to improve the efficiency, profitability and transparency.
Convenience with Technology
Through IoT remote monitoring and AI operational automation, we make fish farming operation and management easier.
Profits with Cost Reduction
By implementing daily growth management and optimizing feed distribution, we reduce the feed expenses for fish farming.
Transparency with Data
Through the data collected by FISHSCOPE, we restore transparency and reliability of the fishes.
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Our Products
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Team TIDEPOOL possesses technical expertise in Computer Vision and AI. With abundant experience of leveraging innovative technologies in the market, TIDEPOOL is actively preparing for the Inevitable Future of Aquaculture.
volunteering Our Mission
To innovate the whole value chain of Seafood in a sustainable way, especially with Fish-Farming.
location image Our Goals
Be the First Aquaculture Startup to Represent South Korea and Asia with Tech.
If you would like to join our journey and be part of TIDEPOOL, please feel free to contact us!
Contact Us
Email: info@tidepool.kr
Address: Daejeon & Busan | South Korea